
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Maximize Workout Benefits

For the untrained individual, almost any exercise at all will be beneficial. However, there are some simple steps you can take which will maximize the benefits you receive from any and all workouts.


    Your body needs to rest. Many people are confused about how quickly the body recovers and how often it needs to rest. Remember, when you do any sort of exercise, your muscles tear apart. When they heal, they grow back stronger. However, if you never rest your muscles, they can never heal. Always rest each group of muscles at least two days a week. On the other hand, you do not need to wait several days between working out muscle groups. Studies have shown that working out a muscle group every 48 hours is healthy and effective, as long as the muscles are not overly stressed.
    Warm up. When you're ready to roll, it can be hard walking and stretching for ten minutes before you start your run. While you may think your muscles are trained or healthy enough to skip warming up, this is a very important stage. Attempt to spend at least five minutes warming up for light workouts, or ten minutes for intense exercise.
    Cool down. The easiest thing to do after a workout is plop down and rest. The healthiest thing to do is massage stressed muscles with ice, take a hot-and-cold shower (with bursts, as hot and cold as you can stand, for about 6 repetitions), and stretch.
    Change your routine. Most casual exercisers know that the body is very adaptive and will quickly build up a 'tolerance' to a workout routine. Therefore, changing up your regimen every four weeks is an important part in staying fit. Easy ways to change your routine are to look up new activities that accomplish the goals you want. For example, if you jog for twenty minutes and do thirty crunches, you could instead do short sprints and jumping jacks for twenty minutes, and five minutes of planks.
    Your diet is key. People might think that exercise 'cancels out' the unhealthy food they eat, but this is untrue. In fact, after a workout, your body responds even more to what you put in it. While being a health nut isn't necessary, opting for healthier foods in general will put a big boost in your health.
    Training to failure is unnecessary. Training to failure is when you keep pushing your muscles until they fail, like running until you collapse. Many casual exercisers think that this is a good idea, because it pushes their muscles to the 'max'. However, there is no conclusive proof that training to failure boosts muscle growth. In fact, because it damages muscles so heavily, it may hurt your progress.
    Keep track of your work. The first time you realize you can run a mile without stopping is a big milestone, but keeping track of your daily progress (and not just big milestones) is important. Keeping track of your improvement helps keep you motivated and knowledgeable about your body, and will remind you to keep pushing yourself. Try keeping a notebook (or even a piece of paper) with your workout equipment (or clothes) keeping track of how long you can jog, how many repetitions you can do, etc., along with the date.
    Your body needs energy to function. Some people, especially those trying to lose weight, think that keeping their meals to a minimum + exercise = improved weight loss. Just remember that your body doesn't want to lose weight, and as soon as it isn't getting enough food, it will kick into survival mode and hold onto every ounce of fat it can.
    Build muscles or lose weight, not both. Your body only has the resources to do so much. You can easily create a balanced 50/50 routine that builds muscles and sheds pounds, but for intense regimes, both won't work at once. If your goal is to build pure muscle, avoid cardio as much as possible (doing cardio once or twice a week), while the reverse is true if you want to lose weight and build cardiovascular heath.
    Never jump in to a routine you are not physically prepared for. While the point of exercise is to grow stronger, it is dangerous to expect your body to perform at a level far beyond your capabilities. Most people who start an exercise regime are very motivated and want to work out every single day. However, for the untrained body, three days a week is plenty, while you should never exceed five. Also avoid doing intense workouts without a few weeks of preparation. It may seem like a long time, but spending two weeks jogging before doing an intense run can save you from serious physical injury.


    If you feel like you aren't recovering from your workouts, get more sleep, take vitamins, adjust your diet, and drink more water.
    Stay focused on health and not losing weight or muscle mass. You will be less likely to injure yourself doing unnecessary or extreme exercise.
    If you don't give your body time to recover, it won't grow stronger.

    *Stay hydrated. One bottle of water won't be enough for a 30 minute workout. Keep water with you constantly throughout the day (even at work and school).


    Never push yourself to the point of collapse. It is pointless and dangerous.
    If your goal is weight loss, never withhold food or rest from yourself until you complete a workout. This will make your exercise LESS effective, not to mention physically damaging.

    *Never attempt to do serious physical activity without preparing yourself first. Would you force your chubby family dog to run a mile without stopping? No - it would physically hurt your dog, and wouldn't make him any healthier.

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