
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to Get Well Fast

So, you're stuck home sick with nothing to do and want to get well fast. Here are some phenomenal tips to get you back on your feet.


    Rest is crucial.
     Stay in bed and rest a lot. Get up every once in a while to stretch your muscles so you don't get too stiff. Try to get a few naps in each day. Sleep helps to make you feel better, and the more sleep you get, the faster you'll recover. If you can't fall asleep just lie in bed and rest your eyes.
    Take your medicine.
     If you have a prescription from the doctor, use it. Don't skip a dose even though it might taste bad. Don't go over the limit either. Only use for the amount of time that you are supposed to use it. If the doctor has prescribed it, it can make a huge difference for you.
    Get lots of Vitamin C.
  Oranges, apples, kiwis, and any other high-citrus fruits are great for getting well quickly. Also, fruits and vegetables in general are great to eat while you're sick, as the nutrients in them will help get you back on your feet quicker than processed foods that are filled with sugar.
    Get out in the sunshine.
     If it's a nice sunny day, take a chair and sit out in the driveway for a little while with a book or a magazine. Soak up the sun. Sunlight allows for the body to produce vitamin D which is good for your bones. Besides, the warmth of the sunlight is comforting, and a little fresh air never hurt anybody! Well if it is cold and no sun is shining it won't be a very good idea to go outside.
    Take regular showers/baths.
     This will help to wash off any bacteria on your skin, keep you clean, and the steam from the hot water will help clear your nose/throat passages if they're a little stuffy from your sickness. And if you take a shower it helps keep germs off your body
    Give your body time to recover. Wait until are you are completely better before you start going to work/school or doing strenuous things again. If you start working hard again without giving your body the needed time to fully recover, you could just get even more sick.


    For a sore throat, drink lemonade, apple juice, or honey and lemon tea to relax your throat.
    Hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water.
    Don't over do it take your time.
    If you have a cold or sore throat, hold your head over a bowl of steaming water. Put a towel over your head and bowl. Breathe.
    If you throw up everything you eat, the best thing to eat is bland food.
    Texting your friends is a good way to talk to people without spreading germs and getting them sick too. It will also help you not be bored while you stay home all day.
    If you have a sore/scratchy throat, try drinking warm salty water.
    If you have a headache, try going outside, as it can sometimes make you feel better.
    Stay in bed.


    Get parental permission if you want to take any medicinal drugs.
    See your doctor if you're constantly sick.
    Follow instructions on back of medicine bottles and packets.

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