
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to Help a Sick Person Feel Better

Do you have a friend or family member who is feeling sick? Try the following steps to make them feel better.


    Send this person a card. Make it yourself! Be creative. Convey a message that means a lot to your friend. Remember that this person probably feels pretty miserable, so use bright colors, and try to make the card funny, or at least brighten their day a little.

    Help them with some simple tasks, such as their homework, or doing the dishes. Don't make the person feel like you're doing everything for them and they can't cope-just help out here and there, it can go a long way.

    Do something to make this person feel physically better. Buy them some nice cough drops, make them a bowl of hot soup, or run them a steamy bath.

    Talk to your friend and keep him/her company. Don't keep asking them if they feel okay-just chat to them normally, and make sure they're not lonely or bored. This can also go a long way.

    If you can't always be there with the person, send them some flowers. That way when you are gone, they can look at the flowers and still feel cared for. Flowers will also give the house a pleasant odour, creating a nice environment for their recovery.Or better buy them a plant, so they'll have a kind memory of your good turn.

    It's not always that good to lie but if it makes someone feel better, go for it. Give them some medicine and be nice, tell them they look fine and do anything they tell you like fluffing pillows, just to be nice and helpful.

    Make sure they get plenty of fluids. Offer healthful fluids such as water, tea, and juices.

    Ask the person what you can do to help and listen to their answer. Never assume that what you think is helpful is what they find it is.

    Simply be there for them. Even if they are spluttering and sniffling, give them a clean tissue and a shoulder to rest their heavy heads on,any kind gesture is never missed and they'll not only be thankful, but will be better in no time! And make them a cup of tea; they'll love that.

    Be sympathetic. Even if their condition disgusts you, never let them know. Offer kind words and be positive.

    Tea. Tea is always good when someone is sick, also its even better when its wellness tea!


    Offer kind, positive words. You might say something along the lines of "Everyone at School/work hopes you feel better soon" or "I'm so sorry that you're sick. School/work isn't the same without you." Or "Everybody at school misses you!"
    Make sure not to annoy the person by hanging around them for ages but be there when they want you to.
    Try playing games with them to take their mind off it.
    Check on them every once and a while, asking them how they feel and what they need.


    You might remotely get sick from being around that person and their germs.

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