
Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to Find Refurbished Electronics

The hunt for refurbished electronics reflects the tenacity of the consumer who is looking for the best bargain on items that he or she will use over time. Basically, the refurbished item is less than new, but remanufactured to the original specifications so that it provides as long a useful product life as a brand new product. In good refurbishing programs, the manufacturer’s technicians make sure that the product is in grade-A condition before it goes back onto the retail market. It can be difficult to find refurbished electronics can be difficult, since some big retail chains don’t sell them. Shoppers will have to do some homework to find refurbished electronics.

Find Refurbished Electronics Online

  1. 1
    Identify the specific products you are looking for. Try to get as much information about the product as possible to compare against model numbers and other specs in online catalogs or inventory databases. Otherwise, it can be hard to compare the products you see online with what you actually want to buy.

  2. 2
    Do a quick online search. For example, entering “refurbished plasma TV” may get you to a number of refurbished electronics vendors that will show you specific offers and details on particular TV models.
  3. 3
    Use visual “e-catalogs” to find the products that you are looking for. Take note of special features and specifications and plan your purchases.
  4. 4
    Review the online retailer’s site for return policies, shipping policies, warranty and other important information. Most of these sites should also have a phone number where you can call to ask specific questions about refurbished electronic products.

Find Refurbished Electronics at Bricks and Sticks Retailers

  1. 1
    Check big national chains. For instance, North American electronics retailer Best Buy still deals in some refurbished electronics.
  2. 2
    Look for refurbished items from regional electronics stores. Locate stores in your area, and ask if they offer deals on refurbished products. For example, the Frye’s chain in the southwest United States carries some refurbished products.
  3. 3
    Find manufacturer-direct outlets. Often, shoppers can get factory-direct refurbished goods from the electronics manufacturers’ factory outlet stores. For example, Sony operates a small number of factory outlets across the U.S. that provide a lot of deals on refurbished Sony TVs, phones, laptops, and much more. These factory outlets are a prime place for cashing in on the deals that manufacturers provide for their entire product line. Look into your country’s factory outlet locations to see if Sony or another major electronics vendor is represented.

  • If you can’t find the product you are looking for as a refurbished electronic item, consider buying a discontinued model. Ask store clerks if there is a “back area” where manufacturers’ discontinued models are sold at discounted—sometimes steeply—prices. But keep in mind that extended warranties and technical support may not be offered on discontinued items.

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